Connecting to your Sacred Self-Knowing

Skye Hirst, Ph.D.

Everyone needs someone to listen, to share in processing life’s complexity. I’m here to do just that. What holds most of your attention these days? Would you like to choose again with new focus, letting old patterns fade away, moving towards greater aliveness, feeling good? Life moves us along with all manner of challenges and opportunities, but within each one, is what you and your sacred self know fulfills, has meaning, and really matters. This isn’t a switch you throw. We change when we are ready to change and for reasons only each of us know is right for us. Within our human-becoming natures is a breadth of wisdom many never know they possess.

To access what we don’t even know we don’t know seems impossible. Why bother? Well with one step into YOUr sacred – landscape will offer up capacities of infinite proportions.

This isn’t an ad for new pill, or new technique or coaching process only I can offer. No, this sacred wisdom is available to all. In conversations at Just-In-Time, people learn through remembering and noticing long held beliefs, assumptions they no longer need, and in the process they open to a freedom of possible, of choosing again towards greater and greater aliveness, of “no-thingness.” It feels good, it feels alive, free, a quality without a name, a quiet joy.

To get started, consider here and now, what is your definition of frustration? AND of satisfaction, fulfillment and success” How does each make you feel as you think about them?

Write down what are you concerns, challenges and hopes at this time? Let’s talk soon.


Skye Hirst Ph.D.

One Reply to “Connecting to your Sacred Self-Knowing”

  1. Skye, it was great speaking with you today!

    You have such a fresh way of seeing the world. Thank you for sharing it!

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